Office Cleaning Services

Office Cleaning

For over 25 years we have been offering our clients a hands-on approach to cleaning services.

We pay attention to detail and offer a satisfaction guaranteed service. Our cleaners are properly trained and provided with professional equipment which will result in a cleaner and more productive environment.

We wipe or dust desks, all surfaces including benches, computer monitors, telephones, keyboards, mouses, photocopiers. Bathrooms are disinfected and wiped clean using a colour coded system to avoid cross contamination. Kitchens are left sparkling clean and we include the cleaning of fridges, microwaves, kettles, toasters. Floors are vacuumed and mopped.

  • One off or regular office cleaning tailored to your needs.
  • Fully insured for your peace of mind.

Get a FREE Quote

We can provide you with a written detailed quotation free of charge and without obligation.